FHYC Members: Log in to access the member directory and committee lists.

Joining the Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club


Membership in the Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club is open to individuals or couples who are property owners or condominium owners in the Fairfield Harbour development located in New Bern, North Carolina, pay full Property Owners Association (POA) dues, and who own a registered or documented sail or power boat. 

Prospective members must be sponsored by two current members. Your sponsors will guide you through the application procedure, introduce you to other members of the Club at regular meetings, invite you to participate in Club events, accompany you to an orientation session, and continue to serve as your mentors over your first year of membership. If you have not yet met a FHYC member, call one of our Membership Committee Co-Chairs, Pam Miller at 301-233-5108, or Paula Phipps at 808-352-3810. They’d be delighted to help get you started! 

Copies of the application form and other membership forms may be found under the "Membership" tab at the top of this page.

News and Information 

2024 Policy and Guidelines Rev3 published
(Login required)



 Online Payments

Holiday Trolley Tour and Party

 Races and Main Events 

2024 Calendar of Events!

2024 Sunfish Race Series! 



Updates to this list?

 Please contact the IT Committee, and we will publish here! 





Facebook (FHYC sponsorship or membership required)


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