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FHYC Historical Highlights

 The Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club was formed to promote cruising and racing, the science of seamanship, safety on the waterways, and fellowship among its members.  The first meeting was held on 8 March 1984 and the burgee design established.  The burgee is a white field with a blue sunburst containing a white anchor and some waves, all bordered in blue.  There were thirty six charter members of the club.

The first issue of the Semaphore was published in April, 1984 and the first yearbook was published in 1985.  In 1985 the club became a member of the North Carolina Yacht Racing Association (NCYRA) and the club handicap system was initiated in 1990.  Early activities of the club included support of reclassification of Northwest Creek, Upper Broad Creek, and Goose Creek which resulted in higher standards of water discharges.  The club also supported the sounding of Spring Creek and production of a map depicting depths.

Cruising with FHYC began in July of 1984 with a trip to Manteo, NC to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the founding of the first colony.  This first cruise became the impetus for the annual cruise to Ocrakoke.  Shortly, other cruising destinations were added.  There was something for everyone with fishing expeditions, "rambles" (the name given to small boat outings), and numerous raft-ups.

The first annual Commodores Ball was held in 1992 at the Shoreline Country Club.  Also in 1992 the club received a VHF license from the FCC with the call letters WRV 338.  A radio was purchased and installed at the Fairfield Harbour Gatehouse for use in emergencies.  1992 also saw the purchase of a club computer system and an office at the Shoreline Country Club.  That office was vacated in 2001 as members acquired their own computer systems.

The first Oar Race was held in 1984 with six boats participating.  Originally called the Oriental Oar Race, the name was changed in 1988 to simply the Oar Race due to changes in the course of the Michelob Race held on the Neuse.  A perpetual trophy, The Dunkirk Oar, was presented to the winner of the race.  The Dunkirk Oar was retired from rotation and miniature oars provided to the winners in later years.  The Dunkirk Oar was housed in the Shoreline County Club and then moved to the Community Center.  

The Commissioning Day Ceremony was begun in 1985 and originally included a regatta.  In 1999 the blessing of the fleet was started and that parade was normally held one week after Commissioning Day.  In 2001, Commissioning Day and the Blessing of the Fleet were combined.  

Social activities were always a part of the Club highlighted by the Commodores Ball, the annual Christmas Flotilla with Lighted Boat Parade, the annual Holiday Party, and various and sundry luncheons, dinners and other social events.

Racing has also been a part of the Club since the early days.  Races scheduled in the past have included a Predicted Log Event, A Wind's Day Series, a Novice and Start Race, a Frostbite Series (for dinghies), a Spring Series, a Golden Leaf Fall Series, a Petticoat Regatta, a Summertime Cup Race, a Sundowner Dinghy Race, a Dinghy/Sunfish Series (Interclub), and a Golf Regatta.  In 2001 a Cruisers Regatta Series was initiated.

Club members have also been involved in many services to the community to include construction of the flag pole at the Shoreline Marina (formerly known as the Country Club Dock), replacing launch ramps, installing and maintaining day marks in the channel leading into Northwest Creek, Spring Creek, and the Inner Harbour, installing the flashing light at the entrance to Northwest Creek, completing a dinghy dock at the Shoreline Country Club Marina, assisting in removal of stumps from Spring Creek and providing committee boats for races.  In 1990 the Club donated funding for the purchase of chairs for for the 'New' Community Center.  In 1993 the Club supported TV Channel 12 and McDonalds Restaurant in a Christmas Food Drive.  This has become an annual event renamed the Past Commodores Food Drive.  In 2001 the Club began donating this food to the Religious Community Services organization.  In 1999, the Club helped the FHPOA in the dredging of Spring Creek.  The club participated in the dedication of the new Neuse River Bridge in that same year.

Hurricane Florence hit Fairfield Harbour in 2018 and many Club members lost homes, boats, and vehicles.  The Club weathered the impacts and saw the rebuilding of the community, providing a helping hand where it was needed.  2020saw the start of the COVID19 Pandemic and again the community as well as the world was hard hit.  The Club maintained the comradery and fellowship with Virtual Meetings via Televideo Conference and the introduction of the Quarantini, members maintaining social distancing while enjoying each others company by cruising the Harbour and participating on their decks and docks.  

2023 saw the Club rejoining the Yacht Club of America which had been discontinued.  It was also the first year for a Club Sponsored "Bare-Boat" charter cruise to the Abacos Islands in the Bahamas.  The club had weathered some significant events (Florence and Covid) and come out looking as good as ever.  Entering the 40th year of its existence, the future is as bright as it has ever been and the Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club is looking to embrace it.  




News and Information 

2024 Policy and Guidelines Rev3 published
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Holiday Trolley Tour and Party

 Races and Main Events 

2024 Calendar of Events!

2024 Sunfish Race Series! 



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