FHYC Members: Log in to access the member directory and committee lists.

As 2024 draws near, I anticipate the fun and excitement we are going to have in our 40th year as Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club.  It is going to be hard to match the fun we had during the last year.  We had so many wonderful times with boat parades, races, cruises, dinners, parties, and meetings that it seems impossible we were able to do that much.  But we did. 


The club is going to be forty years old on March 8, 2024.  There were 36 Charter Members listed in the 1985 FHYC Yearbook.  The membership has gone up and down over the years but the club has remained on an even keel to deliver on the purposes called out in the chartering documentation, namely;  to conduct activities for the pleasure and recreation of the members, and to promote yachting, the service of seamanship, social events among its members, and safety on the waterways.  It is what we are all about. 


I firmly believe in our purpose and stand ready to work to ensure we meet it.  It’s about continuing to have fun.  Let’s get to it. 

The Adventure Continues

Craig A. Myler

2024 Commodore

Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club

News and Information 

Meet some of our new members

2024 Policy and Guidelines Rev3 published
(Login required)

 Online Payments

 40th Anniversary Cookbook

2024 FHYC Membership Dues

New Member Application Dues  

 Races and Main Events 

2024 Calendar of Events!

2024 Sunfish Race Series! 


Updates to this list?

 Please contact the IT Committee, and we will publish here! 






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